What Can A Homebrew Do For You? Take A Lesson From Two Hearted
So you’ve heard the news about Two Hearted being ranked #1 in the U.S. and that got you questioning, “Can I create something that good on my own?” Fortunately, the General Store has all you need to discover the answer with our Two Hearted Clone Kit. Homebrewing is a time consuming and meticulous process, but it does have serious benefits.
First, homebrewing is rewarding. Spending hours actively combining ingredients and weeks waiting for the finished product is worth it when you crack open your very own brew. Homebrewing is a labor of love. And trust us, when that labor produces a Two Hearted clone, you’ll love it.
Brewing your own beer also gives you the opportunity to participate in the Bell’s Brewery Homebrew Competition. The competition is a great learning experience as well as an opportunity to prove yourself to the brewing community. Plus, we’ll even supply the wort for free.
Another benefit of homebrewing is all the room you have for creativity. The types of brew kits available to consumers are nearly endless, our site and store alone offer dozens of options. If you’re not interested in any of those, you can also brew whatever you please. Some of the best beers were born out of complete experimentation, the thrill of not knowing what you’ve created until you’re drinking it can be very appealing.
Bragging rights are another benefit to homebrewing. We’re all familiar with the neighbor or coworker who fixes up incredible old cars, cooks the best key lime pie or builds the most wicked birdhouses. Wouldn’t it be nice to offer up your own hidden talent during casual conversation? Brewing beer can be a lengthy process which makes it a very impressive skill to share with others. Plus, there’s a lot of personal pride that comes with producing your own brew, even if you don’t share it with anyone.
Speaking of sharing, homebrewing is also a great way to build lasting friendships. There are dozens of homebrew clubs in Michigan alone in addition to the hundreds of online forums and groups dedicated to sharing tricks and tips for perfecting your homebrew. The network of homebrewers is extensive and supportive; you can even find resources on our website. Homebrewing is a great way to find and form powerful connections with people who have similar interests all over the country.
Homebrewing can be a challenging process, but the benefits that come with it are definitely worth the work. However, maybe you give-it-a-go and discover that making beer is not for you. If that happens, don’t feel bad. Bell’s beer is waiting right around the corner with the original Two Hearted Ale, the only work you need to put in is cracking open the can or bottle.