Hopslam Q&A: Cellaring, honey, cans and more
Submitted by jsmith on January 9, 2017 - 3:20pm
Hopslam is one of our most sought after beers. It is also one of our beers that generates a lot of questions.
helpful LINKS
- Our Beer Finder (please remember to call ahead and that results are based on deliveries)
- Our calendar: Hopslam release parties and other events
- Hopslam gear from our General Store
And since you asked, we've got answers.
But first, what exactly is Hopslam? Director of Operations, John Mallett, tackles that and more. He also has one of the most unique descriptions for Hopslam, one you won't find on any label or packaging.
Can I cellar Hopslam?
What does the honey do?
Why cans?
Why only once a year?
How to enjoy a Bell's mini-keg