2017 Bell's Hop harvest at the brewery a success

Harvest season is underway at hop farms across Michigan, including the 2.5 acre field next to our Comstock Brewery.

On the first day of September, we harvested our Chinook, Cascade, and Newport hops. After they were picked by employees and some of the High Five Hop Farm crew, our hops were brought out to Hop Head Farms to be processed into pellets. 

Taking care of our very own hop farm and being a part of the harvesting process provides us with an important learning opportunity. This small hop field helps to provide a firm understanding and appreciation of our ingredients and the needs of our farming partners. We are also able to be a part of the full circle of beer, from land to enjoyment. 

What's another benefit of having a hop field at the brewery? Employees get the leftovers. Several pounds of fresh hops were made available to staff for their weekend brewing.





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