PSA: Be aware of construction near the Eccentric Café this summer

April 13, 2017: Lane closures will begin April 14 at Michigan Avenue and Harrison Street, just east of the Café (read more)

Spring is here and construction is underway out front of the Eccentric Café and in the Beer Garden.

The city of Kalamazoo is doing construction work outside of the Café on Kalamazoo Avenue and M-43 throughout the summer. Entrances and some parking may be blocked during the construction period. Kalamazoo Ave. may go down to one lane and there may be posted detours if you're traveling to the Café. 

The construction outside of the Café should last for a few weeks. The Beer Garden will open in about a week or so. 

If you have any questions, please let us know. We'll post updates here as we get them.