Bell's leads quality demonstration for Brewers Association
As members of the Brewers Association and a certified 100% Independent Craft brewery, beer quality is one of our core tenants. We rigorously test every batch of beer that we brew, so it was an honor to have so many brewers (and even some of our own employees) from around the country interested in quality come to the brewery for a demonstration. Leading the workshop was the quality instructor for the Brewers Association Lauren Torres. Lauren has worked at Bell’s for eight years and leads our laboratory team in quality testing our beer through microbiology, chemistry, and sensory analysis.
The Basics of Beer Quality Workshop class covered the fundamentals of brewing microbiology and physical analysis commonly used for quality assurance in small breweries. The workshop is part of the Brewers Association’s vision – to develop a membership that consistently produces high quality beer. Lauren demonstrated the step-by-step process we go through with our beer, and gave the brewers a hands-on chance to use equipment and go through the process themselves. Throughout the day, the brewers took part in lectures about the basics of brewing microbiology, microscopy basics, yeast, and bacteria. Later, they were instructed on setting up microscopes, dilutions and staining live samples, testing for dissolved oxygen in beer, and checking for beer stability & clarity.
For more information about the Brewers Association or brewing in general, you can visit them here.