B1 Beer: Get to Know Bell's Kiwi Gose- Not Your Typical Gose

This post is part of an occasional series looking at the beers we develop at our original brewery, or B1.

Tasting notes: Modern Gose with kiwi; tart, quenching, fruity

Bell’s Kiwi Club Gose is no ordinary Gose.

Although it’s brewed with the classic Gose ingredients of coriander and salt, the non-traditional ingredient of kiwi was added to this recipe.

In Goslar, Germany where this style originated in the 16th century, this sour wheat beer received its tart character from the spontaneous fermentation process. Nowadays we add the lactic acid bacteria to get a similar outcome.

The addition of the kiwi compliments the spice and tart notes present from the coriander, salt and sour flavors, making it a refreshing beer for the summer.

See if the beer is available on our tap cam, or at special events near you. Also, be sure to keep your eye out for more specialty beers from our B-1 brewery.


B1 is how we affectionately refer to our original brewery in downtown Kalamazoo, located adjacent to our pub, the Eccentric Cafe. This is where we got our start and where we still develop new recipes, experiment with new varieties of hops and brew small batches of specialty beers like The Wild One and Mango Habanero Oberon today. Most of the beers brewed there are typically only available on draught at the Cafe, but from time to time they do make their way to special events.