
Gallery: Photos from Electric Forest 2016

Thank you everyone who joined us at Electric Forest this past weekend. It was great hanging with our ‪Forest Family‬ and we can't wait until next year! We're proud to have continued being part of the Electricology sustainability program, which aimed to help keep the Forest the way we found it.

Photo gallery: Celebrating diversity during Kalamazoo Pride 2016

This weekend we celebrated Kalamazoo Pride at the Arcadia Creek Festival Site to support the Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center.  This wonderful event includes the special release of Sparkleberry — our Sparkling Ale brewed with raspberries. Below are some highlights from the festival. Thank you for everyone who came out this weekend to celebrate diversity!                  

Play ball! Get a special Kalamazoo Growlers, Bell's coozie this season

Another season of baseball is coming back to Kalamazoo. We’re excited to again partner with the Kalamazoo Growlers. During select Saturday games, the first 250 fans over the age of 21 will get a Bell’s/Growlers inspired can coozie. And at every game, there will be Oberon, Two Hearted and Oatsmobile. Coozies will be given away at the following games: June 11 (info) June 18 (info) July 2 (info) July 16 (info) August 6 (info) August 13 (info) The season runs through August 14. Hope to see you at Homer Stryker Field!

Hear, sample The Planets with The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

We have partnered with The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO) for a series of performances of Gustav Holst’s The Planets later this month. Holst’s seven brilliantly scored and wildly popular portraits of the planets—from the cold brutality of Mars, the Bringer of War to the ethereal Neptune, the Mystic—served as inspiration for our Planets Series. Venus, Mercury and Jupiter will be available for tasting and purchase during the CSO’s performances of The Planets at Music Hall, Feb. 19, 21-22, while supplies last. “Our beers have been inspired by a number of literary and artistic pieces. It was only a matter of time until classical music got its turn. It is a tremendous honor to be able to share these beers with the music that inspired me,” said Larry Bell, Bell’s President and Founder. On Feb. 21, a beer flight trio will also be available for $8. Advance tickets can be purchased through the CSO box office (must be 21 or older, with a valid ID). The Cincinnati Observatory will also offer telescope demos on the plaza in front of Music Hall, weather permitting. Jupiter should be visible for some prime viewing in the evening. For the Sunday matinee on February 22, a safe solar viewing experience will be offered, again weather permitting. Tickets for all three performances are available online or calling 513-381-3300.

2nd Annual Blue Ice Game with the K-Wings will be Nov. 15

Our second annual Bell’s Blue Ice Game featuring Winter White is coming up on Nov. 15th at Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo. The ice will be dyed blue and the K-Wings will take on the Reading Royals. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the first puck will drop at 7:30 p.m. Winter White will be available through January, a month longer than previously and those at the game will be able to enjoy 16 oz. cans of Bell’s winter seasonal from multiple stations throughout the arena. Michael Fuerst, one of our Training Coordinators and member of the rock band Knee Deep Shag as well as the acoustic band The Corn Fed Girls, will sing the national anthem before performing with The Corn Fed Girls later that evening at the Eccentric Café. K-Wings players will again wear limited edition Bell’s Winter White jerseys that will be auctioned off to fans at the conclusion of the game with proceeds going to Gryphon Place, a Kalamazoo non-profit that provides crisis intervention and support to those who need it. There will also be a Bell’s Winter White giveaway, a limited Winter White scarf, to the first 500 adults (21 and up) through the door that night and our reps will be available to chat and handout other free swag during intermissions. Ticket info Individual ticket prices for home games are $14 and $18 for adults and only $8 for kids ages 12 and under.  Fans can save money by purchasing K-Wings single-game tickets in advance. Tickets purchased on the day of a game increase by $2 (adults only). Groups of 15 or more may save money by calling 269-271-2915.  Tickets for all K-Wings home games are currently on sale at the Wings Stadium Ticket Office, all Ticketmaster locations, including www.ticketmaster.com or by calling 800-745-3000. Ticket office hours are Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturdays.

Sparkleberry returns: Celebrate diversity with Bell's and win prizes at Kalamazoo Pride

We are celebrating diversity at this weekend's Kalamazoo Pride, June 13 and 14, at Arcadia Creek Festival Place and marking our second year in a row sponsoring this event in our hometown. Proceeds will go to support the Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center - this is the KGLRC's largest fundraiser of the year. Sparkleberry Ale will return and Bell's Lager along with Kalamazo IPA and Oberon will be on tap all weekend long. In addition to a great music lineup, we're also giving away six Bell's Summer Swag Bags. To win, all you have to do is take a photo of yourself at Pride with anything related to Bell's. Then post it to either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #lovewhoyouare and tag us (@BellsBrewery on Twitter and Instagram OR Bell's Brewery, Inc. (Official) on Facebook). One winner will be announced on stage during Pride at 6:30 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on Friday as well as 2:30 p.m., 5 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Saturday. For more information on tickets, the music lineup or anything else, please visit kglrc.org/pride. Hope to see you there!  

Bell's will be the presenting sponsor of the 2015 PDGA Amateur World Championships

We are proud to announce that we will be the presenting sponsor of the 2015 PDGA Amateur World Championships, July 18th-25th, right here in southwest Michigan.   Players will compete for 17 different titles making this the second time the disc golf World Championships will be coming to the area.   In 2008, Bell’s was the presenting sponsor for the combined Pro and Amateur World Championships that brought nearly 900 competitors from 9 different countries to Kalamazoo and Battle Creek for the week long tournament. It was the second largest disc golf event in history.   The 2015 World Championships are expected to bring about 700 players and their families to Kalamazoo. Michigan is one of the leading states in the sport of disc golf with well over 200 courses across the state including some of the highest rated courses among disc golf players. There have been several World Champion titles that have gone to Michigan players and next year’s tournament will be the 6th time the disc golf World Championships will have been played in Michigan. Michigan is also home to one of the leading disc manufacturers, Discraft Inc.   Bell’s Brewery has been a long time supporter of disc golf, starting with our support in building the first disc golf course in the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek area at Cold Brook County Park more 20 years ago.   Bell’s has continued to support disc golf throughout the years by supporting K’Aces Disc Golf, a Kalamazoo/Battle Creek disc golf club that is celebrating its 20th season this year. With the support of Bell’s, K’Aces Disc Golf runs weekly leagues year round and plays host to 7 PDGA tournaments during the year.   For more information about disc golf, check out pdga.com.  
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