We’re excited to announce that our General Store will be offering classes this summer on homebrewing, cheese making and draught line management.
Each class begins at 6 p.m. and doors open at 5:45 p.m.
Each class costs $10 per person and there is a limit of 12 people per class. Each participant must be 21 years of age and over.
Below is a list of current classes. Registration is not yet open for all classes.
Beginners Malt - June 6th
Learn the ins and outs of all things grain! We will cover the basics of how beer gets its sweet goodness. Hands on demonstrations, class room activates and beer samples help drive home one of the most important aspects of beer making. Get tickets.
Draught Class -June 13th
Want to bring the bar home? Now you can! Sign up for the class that will teach you everything you will need to know on how to set up a home draught system and how to trouble shoot those pesky, kegerator problems. Get tickets.
Advanced Malt - June 27th
Do you have a grasp on all things malt? Think again, join us for our Advanced Malt class where we will dive deeper into the wonderful world of brewing sugars! Some homebrew experience or our Beginners Malt class is required. Get tickets.
Beginner Hops - July 5th (Monday, July 4th is a holiday)
Beer wouldn’t be the same without those juicy, dank, delicious hops. Attend our Beginner Hops class to learn everything you need to conquer those green, resinous cones. Get tickets.
Cheese Making - July 11th
Do you like cheese? Of course you do. Do you want to learn to make it at home? Of course you do. Join us for our cheese making class where you will gain hands on experience crafting your very own cheese! Get tickets.
Advanced Hops- July 25th
Can’t get enough hops in your life? Dive deeper into this immense topic and learn the math and methods behind formulating your next, great, hoppy brew. Get tickets.
Yeast - Aug 1st
Hands down, the most important ingredient in crafting a great brew are those tiny, delicious fungi. Come learn the basics of these tiny powerhouses we call yeast. Get tickets.
Cider Making - Aug 8th
Fall is right around the corner and few things scream chilly nights, changing leaves and crackling bonfires like a hard cider. We take you from the apple to pint glass in this hands on, informative class. Get tickets.
HOMeBrew 101 - Aug 22nd
Want to start brewing your own beer? This introductory class will help get you started. We will cover the history, ingredients, equipment, and process of home-brewing. Get your brew on! Get tickets.
Beer Styles - Sept 6th (Monday is Labor DAy)
Can you name the differences between an American IPA, English IPA and a Belgian IPA? How about categorizing one of the over 100 BJCP beer styles? Come taste your way around the world with us while learning all about the styles of beer. Get tickets.
Mead Making - Sept 12th
Join us in learning how to make honey into happiness with our mead making class. This is your hands on opportunity to Wow you neighbors with your ability to craft a delicious glass of mead. Get tickets.
Recipe Development - Sept 26th
Our recipe development class teaches you to become half mad scientist, half master chef. We combine hands on learning and the necessary brewing equations to develop your next great beer idea into a pint you can share with friends. Get tickets.
Four Month Beginner’s Program
Want to make your own beer at home? Do you have any idea what a yeast starter is? What about IBU, SRM, FG or OG? Learn all of this and much more with our four classes aimed at amateur home brewers. Join us for Beginner’s Malt, Beginner Hops, Beginner’s Yeast and Recipe Development over the next four months to start your way down the path of a true brewer.
Four Month Advanced Program
Join us for our Advanced classes aimed at diving deeper into the wonderful world of Advanced Malt, Advanced Hops, Advanced Yeast, Beer Styles and Recipe Development. All we ask is that you already have a few batches under your belt, or that you have completed the Beginner’s class we offer for the class you want to attend. Take your brewing to the next level with our experienced staff.