Double Cream Stout

DIY Beer Holiday: Celebrate Bell's All Stouts Day with these easy steps

First things first... What's All Stouts Day?!  It's a holiday of our own creation - a celebration of brewing what we want, how we want, no matter what.  Listen to Larry tell us all about it right here.    How to Celebrate from Home! Get yourself some Bell's Stouts! We love dark, malty beers - so much that we even feature a few year-round, like our Kalamazoo Stout and Porter. Click the links below for food pairings, histories, and more!   Kalamazoo Stout Porter Special Double Cream Stout Expedition Stout Cherry Stout Something from your cellar! A vintage Expedition Stout, maybe that Black Note you've been holding on to forever? Anything from us with an Unlimited shelf life. Not sure where to find them?  Check our Beer Finder to see what's been delivered near you. The results show deliveries, not current inventory, so definitely use the info in the results to call ahead before making a trip!   Level up with glassware! Pouring into a glass lets you experience all the aromas and flavors that are part of experiencing beer as it's meant to be. Get some tasters, or grab a snifter from our Online Store.    Next steps... Invite some friends, pour yourself a little of each, and enjoy!  Tip... If they've been refrigerated, let them sit on the counter for a bit before cracking one open. Letting them warm up a little will help keep those taste buds from getting a cold shock and missing out on something delicious! Local? Celebrate at the Eccentric Cafe! Sunday, November 7th starting at Noon. Full event details right here.
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